Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Khahiri's Return

"Remember what we learned," Zilean said, his voice unusually soft - grave, even. "Are you certain you're ready?"

Khahiri gave his mentor a reassuring smile. "I'll be back soon. And besides, I've spent every day for years preparing for this moment. If not now, when?"

As Khahiri started to ascend the steps toward the glowing gate that the people call the Time Gate, he looks back. He looked at each and every one of his people: His parents, teachers, friends, and lastly, Grandmaster Zilean.

He took a deep breath and put a palm against the shimmering wall of ever-changing sceneries. It is cold, yet warm at the same time. It feels like ants crawling against his palm. He looked straight at the Time Gate, then slowly closed his eyes to envision when will he appear beyond it. 

The ever-changing sceneries slowly condensed into a scene of a town full of people. Many people grasp behind Khahiri. It may have been far too long since the people saw their old home. Houses made of sand and stone, the market full of fresh fruits and fish from other oases, and even the people walking and tending to their own lives. It was surreal to everyone old enough to remember the past, they were captivated. Some even begin to murmur about the names of the fruits. There are also a few who are shedding tears.

But it is never the case for Khahiri. He wasn't born when the calamity happened. He sighed and shouted using his young voice, "Our vision for the future has never been clearer. I will find a future for Icathia!".

Summoning all his strength, he planted a foot forward and pushed his palm against the Gate. It was like water. The harder he pushed, the greater its resistance. He gritted his teeth and planted another foot forward. He then held the staff that he uses and stabbed the Gate. Then light spilled from the single point where Khahiri stabbed.

Everyone was blinded. Some closed their eyes shut, some looked away and there are some who directly passed out. But it was not the case for a fair few. These people are all who have glimpsed through time before. Especially more so for Grandmaster Zilean. His eyes are shining the brightest of green among others, but if one can observe clearly, his eyebrows are slightly pulled together in middle. 

And then the blinding light disappeared as well as the Time Gate lost its radiance as its energy is all spent for the time being. The dust has gathered at its feet but Khahiri is no longer there, it was someone else and a huge insect leg that is still bleeding and oozing with dark violet blood.

What stands in front of them, in all of their astonishment, is a tall man, wearing a very unique jacket while wielding the same staff that Khahiri uses. His arms though are pulsating with purple light. It was as if the arm is no longer human, but of a beast that some Icathian is disgusted with. 

What is most noticeable about the man, is the strangely shaped blade that floats on his end. It looks very sharp but seems ethereal.

The man, seeing everyone's shock, sighed. He knew that everyone will react this way. He knew he messed up somewhere and some-"when". He then scanned the crowd looking for one particular man that will understand everything he will say. But before he was able to find him, the very man he is seeking is now standing at the foot of the stairs - Grandmaster Zilean.

"I see you picked up a little more than knowledge." He smilingly said. However, if one looks at his fingers, three hourglasses are already floating at different speeds, dancing through and fro of his fingers while he seems to be playing with these hourglasses as well. He is also radiating an aura so dangerously cold that everyone is starting to back away. 

With eyes shimmering with a bright green light, and the wind picking up from his feet, one can say that the Zilean that is standing and smiling at Khahiri, is the once-feared Elemental Mage that Icathia was proud of.

Khahiri knew that one incorrect sentence from him and with the way he looks, will spell his doom, he slowly withdrew the blade and seemingly absorbed it with his hand. 

He dusted the edge of his jacket and with bated breath, he said, "Facing certain doom I had to be resourceful."

Everyone waited.

After a while, Zilean withdrew his aura and held his beard. He then genuinely smiled at Khahiri. "Well, we have time for your story then. Welcome back. Khahiri."

Everyone was shocked. Khahiri was just there a moment ago and now an older Khahiri stood in his place.

I know that there are a lot of questions that everyone has in mind, and I don’t mind answering them later, but I do need to speak with Grandmaster Zilean alone,” Khahiri said while gesturing for everyone to leave for the time being.

Nobody moved. They are all waiting for Zilean to say anything. They also want to know more about everything that happened with Khahiri, especially his parents, but it seems that certain things need to be brought to Zilean’s attention first.

Zilean sighed and placed both his hands on his back. “I naturally know what you want to say. I have glimpsed that this will happen. I also naturally know what this timeline may bring to us which I will share with everyone else later. So please you can tend to your duties.”

Slowly, everyone began to leave. Zolja, Khahiri’s father, had a hard time bringing his wife away as Khahiri’s mother wanted to hold his son first. Only after Khahiri nodded at them, they did go.

The entire room is empty. Only with Khahiri and Zilean standing before the stairs that lead to the Time Gate, Khahiri said excitedly, "I've learned what I can to help Icathia."
