Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 13

Chapter 13 : Heimerdinger and Clan Giopara

Their morning started the next day, with Graves throwing a man on the floor. Apparently, this was the same man that they are watching the day before.

Sera was shocked, Jinx is... not affected, Celestine is looking interested as to who the man is, Jae is looking with one of his eyebrows raised while Jayce is looking at Twisted Fate.

"Say hello to Putluck, our guide to Urzeris. Putluck, greet everyone." Twisted Fate said. He is referring to the thin and small man that Graves just threw in front of everyone.

"SVAAG! May you both rot in the Void!" cursed Putluck. He looked at both Twisted Fate and Graves with hate and fury. Twisted Fate just replied with a grin while Graves hoisted his gun over his shoulder.

"Is he someone we can trust?" asked Jae. As both Graves and Twisted Fate nodded, Sera approached Putluck.

"Can you tell me more about Alaesh? Your daughter?" she asked.

Putluck was visibly shocked. He looked at Sera and slowly sighed. He looked aggrieved.

My daughter is severely ill. I was looking for a healer yesterday because I thought you were one. I saw you singing and everyone seems to be singing with you. So I stayed all night but was ambushed by these two. Look miss, I just needed the potion and I promise I will keep my bargain’s end!” he pleaded.

Sera then stood up in front of Graves. "Please, give Putluck the potion that you promised now."

It is now Graves's turn to be shocked. He looked at everyone looking for assistance but because of Jayce's nod, he then fished out a glowing red potion from his pocket. "Ionian Health Potion. Rare but managed to procure one just for the deal." He said before he threw the bottle in the air, which Putluck was able to catch easily, showing that he has fast hands.

"Please go to Alaesh first and meet us by the docks before noon," Sera said. Putluck then bowed to her and sprinted out.

"You sure about this Sera?" Celestine asked. Sera nods and heads back upstairs. Jinx then followed Sera, but before stepping up the stairs, she said a couple of words that stunned Twisted Fate and Jayce.


By noon, they went to the docks where they were greeted by a medium-sized ship and Putluck waiting. He then bowed again to Sera. "Praise be the Gods. My daughter is now healthy again and the disease that is bothering her for years is now, gone. Thank you." he said sincerely.

Sera smiled and gave Putluck a bag of Nashramaean Oasis Grapes. Putluck was again amazed. He turned to the others which just smiled wryly.

After boarding, the ship heads on to Urzeriz.


"Well, Cecil. Quick question." Ziggs asked while fiddling on a piece of shuriman blood crystal ore that they got from their trip to Kalamanda.

"What is it Ziggs?" asked Heimerdinger. He seems to be distracted while piloting the MK 13 Cloudrider.

"Why are we helping them?" he replied with a question. A question he always wants to ask.

Technically, in Ziggs's mind, aside from Jinx whom he shares a bond of friendship, he doesn't know or have met anyone before. It is unclear to him why are they involved in any of this but as he is Cecil's assistant, he tagged along as always.

"As you know, my brain and ideas don't fit well with Bandle City. I have to move away from our home whenever I need to create a Tech or conduct any hard experiments as to not harm anyone," he said while setting the airship to autopilot and set the course to Urzeris.

"I, have a huge debt to Clan Giopara. You see, when I first came to Piltover, I had to sell all of my inventions first in order to lease a workshop. It is hard to sell them at first. And then came a fellow inventor named Gilhother Sans. He excitedly told me all I needed to know about Progress Day and the help that a Clan can give an inventor like me."

"And so, I prepared my inventions and brought them to Clan Medarda, Torek, Arvino, Morichi, and lastly Giopara. I was able to sell my airship improvement idea to Torek, my Point-me-where tracker to Medarda, my GY series 01-0001 Portable Hammer to Morichi, and my Automated Ball Pitcher, Batter, and Catcher to Arvino. However, Clan Giopara offered me something better for not my current inventions, but for my future inventions."

"They offered me a post as a professor at the University of Piltover and a workshop in the North Piltover, where today’s Heimerdinger's Pyrotechnic Provisions is established.”

"And so, whenever Clan Giopara requires my assistance, I am willing to assist as I can," said Heimerdinger.

"But this request fulfills one of my more selfish idea of mine as well. I always wanted to see a Brackern and how majestic they are. Also, I wanted to see the Crystal Scar as well as to know what is so special about that girl." he added but this time, one can assume that the brilliant mind of Cecil Heimerdinger is already working, figuring out things, and learning more about the process.


"So, Tobias. What's the deal with this girl?" asked Putluck. He seems to have not recovered yet from the shock that he got from Sera's actions.

"Well, we can say that she is either a mind-reader or a powerful mageborn. But simply looking at her, one can assume that she's just ordinary," replied Twisted Fate.

Everyone on the ship, aside from Jayce and Sera, knows what Sera can do. If that is not the case then how come Jayce gifted the Brackern Core Crystal to the three professors in the first place.

"I can say she's ordinary by looking. But I can feel that she's bigger than any of us here. I just can't put a ring on it though." said Putluck.

"Yes. Hopefully, we learn more about her soon.|"
