
Showing posts from April, 2021

Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 11

 Chapter 11 : The Repercussion of the Shockblast Just like what Twisted Fate said, they found all three in a Pub at Nashramae. They are wounded but not critical. Celestine, whom does not usually like to drink, is seen chugging a huge cup of wheat mead. They greeted the newcomers with smiles in their bruised faces like but Sera went and slapped Jayce on the cheeks (YAOUCH! That's gotta sting, nice one Concert Girl!). Everyone except Jinx was speechless of what happened. "You could've escaped all the same. But why must you kill even those that are fleeing to Nashramae? THOSE THAT ARE INNOCENT?" Sera cried. The three then grimaced as they remembered how much of the destruction claimed not only their ambushers life, but also those that are not involved. ----- On their way to the pub, they saw a pair of women crying along with 2 innocent children who kept on looking at the gates. Aside from the 2, nestled in one of the woman's arms is an infant. Crying as she senses he

Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 10

 Chapter 10 : The Battle in Nashramae Alshams walramal ma narah, Naeish hayatuna kama yahlu lana, Alsahra' baytana Nasij al'ard, Nahn naeish hayatuna kama yahlu lana. Sera woke up with the sound of people singing a song. She doesn't understand the words spoken but she can hear the people singing are celebrating freedom and their way of living. She slowly sits up and found herself in a tent. It was already daytime. "Where am I? What happened? Oh no, JINX?!" Sera shouted and ran out of the tent, only to see Jinx, bandaged with cloth and what seems to be leaves. "Hey Sera! Hey guys! This is Concert-Girl. Concert-Girl, these are the Nomads!" Jinx casually said. She looks healthier and enjoying herself so Sera looked around. She was greeted by merry people smiling and nodding to her. They are dressed with short skirts and either cloaks or less shirts. A woman then walked to her smiling and conjured a flower from the sands. "Greetings, Sera. I am Taliyah.

Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 9

 Chapter 9 : I can hear you! "From digging public records in the Library of Piltover, to asking the rats in Zaun. Seems like you like to play inspector, silly child?" Camille said while holding Sera by her chin. "The fact that you are here means that I am really close." Sera replied. Camille was visibly shock by the lack of fear in Sera's starry eyes. "I congratulate you then. It is just saddening that no one will here your pretty voice again." Camille then slowly took the orb from Sera's other hand. "Very well. I will be taking what is mine -" "You might have convinced the others, but I can hear it. Your heart!" said Sera after she quickly held Camille's arm while taking the blue orb. "The hexcore in your chest that you insist is dead is calling out! Begging for you to listen!" Sera added.  Contrary to what Sera is expecting, Camille went mad. She clenched Sera's arm that is holding hers and yanked her up to h

Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 8

 Chapter 8 : Get Jinxed! In the bustling market in Bel'Zhun, Jae Medarda is running frantically looking for Sera. Having alerted everyone else, they scour the whole marketplace but can't seem to find her. "Jae, any clues?" asked Twisted Fate when he showed up in a flurry of cards. "No. She's not near the docks either. Celestine, you?" asked Jae to the newly arrived Celestine, riding what seems to be a hovering horse with no legs. "None. The Cloudrider also does have no clue." Everyone is now worried. Jayce said that Sera is important for this mission. "Jayce!" shouted Jae seeing that Jayce is coming over. He is reading a piece of animal skin. "Where's Sera?" "We will meet her at Nashramae. It seems that someone will take her there." Jayce silently said. "We'll talk more in the Cloudrider. Let's embark." ----- "So your name is Ryze?" asked Sera while eating a kebab. "Yes. It is R

Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 7

 Chapter 7 : Landing to the Coastal City of Bel'Zhun The MK-15 Cloudrider looks like a normal airship, except that it flies 5 times faster.  It has not the usual two propellers at the tail, it has 4 rocket boosters.  "How did you make it this sturdy Professor?" ask Celestine. Sera can feel and hear her soul overwhelmed with happiness.  "Well, for starter, you will need to use Steel than Iron. The propulsion mechanism works with liquified gas to make it lighter. The body uses a..." Sera then wanders off and found Jinx and Ziggs talking. "Jinx. Are you not afraid?" asked Sera. She feels lightheaded as they are travelling too fast and on air. It's her first time travelling on air as well. "Why be afraid Concert-Girl. It's not that we are going to die right? The curly-haired Yordle's airship can handle a 15 millimeter bullet after all." proudly Jinx claimed.  "WAIT! HOW DID YOU KNOW IT CAN TAKE A 15 MM BULLET?" Ziggs exclaim

Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 6

 Chapter 6 : Jayce Giopara, Jae Medarda and Celestine Torek Way back in the days, the Clan Ferros own an Hex Crystal Quarry known throughout the Shurima Continent as the Crystal Scar. Located near the coast of Kalamanda. It was a site of ruins nowadays. Only dauntless treasure hunters and brave scavengers roam the Crystal Scar as tales of a violent Brackern attacking anyone who tries to take anything especially crystals of all sorts is well-spread. ----- "I can prepare an airship definitely but who will keep the Clan Ferros at bay?" asked Heimerdinger as he fiddles on a small box that has 2 buttons at the top and button. "You can count on the Clan Torek, Giopara and Medarda. We already deployed spies to watch their every move." Jayce said while he, Jae Medarda and Celestine Torek looks over a map of what looks to be the Northern Shurima Continent. "The route to Kalamanda takes 10 days with the fastest airship that the Clan Torek owns. Are you sure that we can

Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 5

Chapter 5 : Not just a Starry-Eyed Songstress Little by little, the light gathered beneath Sera's feet. Then as she sings the brackern crystals began to glow and hum an almost ancient hymn that starts to resonate with the crystal inside the core of the Incognium Runeterra. She slowly holds the smallest crystal from the dampener and magically, the crystal burst out of it, hovering in between Sera's hands. Sera groaned as the sudden chaos surrounded her. It was suffocating. It is like all the world around her is distorted. With no harmony at all. Wait! Harmony! YES! Harmony! Because the best things in life won’t be perfect anyway. That is my parents always say.  Nothing is perfect but everything can be harmonious! She then closed her eyes and let the chaos takes her in. Then it was darkness. Always on the outside, through a window looking in  Never the right time, so the chance goes by again  The lines begin to show, when we feel broken to move on we have, to drop the pieces we’r

Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 4

 Chapter 4 : Harmony Sera spent her day without a single issue. She went to a clothing shop with her mom, ate lunch with her family and bonded with Schala over some Shuriman barbecue. Life during her off is normal. She returned to her room exhausted but restless. Progress day is 2 days from now. She just hope to see the Platform at least a day before. " Help us. Please. " The voice from within the pink brackern crystals sounded again. Seraphine immediately opened the case and anxiously holds the biggest piece. "Where are you?" she hurriedly asked.  To her disappointment, the shimmer in the crystal went out and she was left without an answer again. She slowly puts the crystal down before she heard of what she thinks could be the worst voice she has ever heard. It is chaotic. So chaotic that Seraphine lost her balance and knocked of the crystals. Luckily, she was able to get a small piece and she immediately attached it to her dampener. It now serves as a pendant for

Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 3

 Chapter 3 : The Girl that loves CHAOS The events in the Erestol laboratory was not left unmonitored. The box nor the core crystal  was  never lost. Not by someone as sophisticated as Jayce. The box is being tracked as he made it necessary for the crystal to stop leaking its raw energy, thus cannot be parted with the core crystal. He has prepared for the time that he needs to let the crystal go, a long time ago. "Looks like the fish took the bait. How lovely." said Jayce while looking over the monitor and sipping his favorite honeyfruit tea. The monitor is showing a glaring green dot in a map that looks like of Piltover and Zaun. It is also  intricately showing the levels of Zaun. Unlike Viktor, age is already catching up to Jayce, although, the gray hair creeping up his sides are adding a more charming look to him, his eyes are now shining more with wisdom that only comes from time. "Well, I reck'n you won't want us to intervene t'her trav'llin'? Ayt

Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 2

Chapter 2 : The Brackern Core Crystal and the Clan Ferros "Seraphine. What a dreamy  name."  "Don't you think so? Vileena?" This was coming from a silhouette of a man standing by a large arched window that seems to be overseeing most of Zaun.  "Yes indeed. Dreamy and naive , i should add." Vileena said from the shadows. Her voice sounded like scrapping steel. "But this is still, just the petty bindings of lesser beings. Any news from above?" asked the man while seemingly polishing a round object. Each movement he makes is accompanied by a soft whirring sound like a well-tuned gear. "None at the moment." she bluntly said. Vileena then with a thud, stepped out of the shadows. From Piltover's vision, she is a monster with six mechanical arms but in Zaun, people may describe her as being 100 times more useful with that many arms.  "Master, If. If there need be. I-i, I would like to volunteer with the search." She hesitantl

Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 1

Chapter 1 : The Girl with the pink hair "Free us..." "Help..." "Let us go..." "Who are you? And, why can i hear your voice?" "Let us... Go..." It was always like this when i started my quest to unite the Pilties and Zaunites. I never dreamt the dreams I had, It has always been either someone else's, or something else's.  "Who are you? What are you?" Sera said while staring quizzically at the hextech platform that was made by her parents.  "Please, tell me the next time we dream ok? I can't help, or free you if I do not know who or what you are. Ok?" she pleaded the platform. The platform can amplify her ability to hear or resonate with other people's voices. She knows that there is something or someone out there who resonates so loud that even she can hear it without being anywhere near it. She continued to plead the platform until she can no longer keep herself awake. She then proceeded back to bed