Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 2

Chapter 2 : The Brackern Core Crystal and the Clan Ferros

"Seraphine. What a dreamy name." 

"Don't you think so? Vileena?"

This was coming from a silhouette of a man standing by a large arched window that seems to be overseeing most of Zaun. 

"Yes indeed. Dreamy and naive, i should add." Vileena said from the shadows. Her voice sounded like scrapping steel.

"But this is still, just the petty bindings of lesser beings. Any news from above?" asked the man while seemingly polishing a round object. Each movement he makes is accompanied by a soft whirring sound like a well-tuned gear.

"None at the moment." she bluntly said.

Vileena then with a thud, stepped out of the shadows. From Piltover's vision, she is a monster with six mechanical arms but in Zaun, people may describe her as being 100 times more useful with that many arms. 

"Master, If. If there need be. I-i, I would like to volunteer with the search." She hesitantly added.

The man stopped, there if one looks closely, a third arm seemed to move above the man's head. "No, Vileena. You still need to keep an eye to what Singed is doing. We cannot let a variable appear and disrupt what we are planning."

Vileena knew that she is no longer needed there. "As you wish, Master Viktor." 


Meanwhile in the lab. The three Professors are currently in a heated discussion regarding a package that was sent by one of the Academy's finest, Professor Jayce.

"Professor Jayce sent us this piece of crystal for the upgrade, Prof. Unhoof, can you put it as a replacement for the platform's power source instead of the hexcore?" said Professor Olteg while fiddling with the platform circuits.

"The probability of this working sky-rocketed from 35% to 71%! But, if the energy is unfiltered, it may damage the platform's circuits." urgently Professor Skiths said when he noticed that the purplish-blue energy coming from the hexcore is not mixing well with the whitish-blue of the crystal.

"Hush, hush Skiths. (Professor!) What we also need to think of is what are the odds of the platform's circuit circulating the energy of this crystal as well as the brackern crystal?" Professor Unhoof interjected seemingly confident that he can resolve this one way or another.

"Wait! I think we can use Professor Heimerdinger's Tri-core pulse circuitry! We just need to add a third power source to be the bridge to balance the flow. But... What type of energy?" Prof. Skiths asked.

The three of them turned silent as they will need to ponder this last hurdle before everything else works. 

"May I suggest, using a small piece of Shuriman Sandstone Crystal?" a voice added.

It was not one of the three Professors. It was someone else. Then, along with the swish of sharp sounds, as if knives are being sharpened, she stepped out of the glaring sunlight that is from the huge metallic open doorway of the laboratory.

"Miss Camille!" Professor Unhoof exclaimed. 

Camille Ferros is indeed one person that you can ask regarding crystallurgy. As the real master of the Clan Ferros, she is adept with how crystals, particularly the brackern crystals, behaves.

"What are you doing here? We are not doing anything that may harm your family! We are even customers!" exclaimed Professor Olteg.

"There, there now Julius. I am not here for any of what you are doing. I am here because of a certain crystal that Jayce has sent." slowly Camille said while eyeing the whitish-blue crystal.

"That is a rare brackern core crystal, taken many many years ago by my father."

Tap. Tap. Tap. She walks slowly yet so elegantly despite her bladed legs dangerously glinting with the outside's sun towards the mechanical box with which the core crystal rests.

"It was my brother's fault for selling this to the Clan Giopara in the first place. Alas, after waiting years for this to be somewhere within my reach, at last, the time has come." She then lovingly stroke the crystal.

The three professors are still frozen in fear but as the only one who knew that fear bears nothing, Professor Skiths stepped up. "We do apologize, Miss Camille. Despite the heartwarming story of the core crystal, we are afraid that we cannot simply give it to you, it is very vital to our- ack!" Skiths explained before being interrupted by being stabbed on the shoulder by Camille's leg.

"As I said, you can try using a small piece of Shuriman Sandstone Crystal. It works best with the pink brackern crystals that the little pink-haired gal uses. I will give it to you of course. But I hope this business is to be sealed within this laboratory only. Isn't that right? Julius?" 

"Y-y-y-y-yes Mi-mi-miss Cam-mi-mi-mille." stuttered Professor Olteg.

"Very well. Now if you can excuse me professors, I have another appointment to make." said Camille while she lazily throwed the glowing piece of yellow Shuriman Sandstone Crystal to Olteg, which he almost was not able to catch.

It was like smoke that she vanished. Despite the setting sun outside.

"What do we do now? We can't power up the platform with this small of a source." worried Unhoof said.

"We. Need that co-core crystal. We can't just let Professor Jayce down." Skiths said while struggling to sit up.

This was supposed to be an invention worthy of Progress Day. But now, with the power source being as weak as a waddling duck, they might as well just hide.

This was a huge blow to the three professors. 

With nowhere or no one to run into, Skiths came up with the most unusual idea.

"We will need to employ someone who can get back the crystal."

"Who can?" asked Unhoof.

"Jinx owes me a life-saving favor."
