Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 7

 Chapter 7 : Landing to the Coastal City of Bel'Zhun

The MK-15 Cloudrider looks like a normal airship, except that it flies 5 times faster.  It has not the usual two propellers at the tail, it has 4 rocket boosters. 

"How did you make it this sturdy Professor?" ask Celestine. Sera can feel and hear her soul overwhelmed with happiness. 

"Well, for starter, you will need to use Steel than Iron. The propulsion mechanism works with liquified gas to make it lighter. The body uses a..."

Sera then wanders off and found Jinx and Ziggs talking.

"Jinx. Are you not afraid?" asked Sera. She feels lightheaded as they are travelling too fast and on air. It's her first time travelling on air as well.

"Why be afraid Concert-Girl. It's not that we are going to die right? The curly-haired Yordle's airship can handle a 15 millimeter bullet after all." proudly Jinx claimed. 

"WAIT! HOW DID YOU KNOW IT CAN TAKE A 15 MM BULLET?" Ziggs exclaimed. "I tested my hypothesis of course." she then again replied, proudly.

Ziggs then launched himself at Jinx while yelling "You never ever ever listen!".

While Ziggs and Jinx are tangled with each other, Sera can no longer stand still. She was about to fall flat when an arm catches her. 

"Oopsie day-sy. You better come inside the lounge, Sera." said Jae. Good thing he was also there but Sera knows he too, feels lightheaded.

Jae helped Sera and along the way she told him how she feels useless in this expedition.

"You know, Jayce always is proud that he can hear how the brackern crystals speak. That is also how he became the best hextechnician at such a young age. Like how blacksmiths feel the metal, Jayce always feels the hexcores built from pieces of brackern crystals. He even went to a near death battle with another well-known scientist whose name shall not be spoken here. He even destroyed one of the known brackern core crystals found. Now, this all changed when you were discovered." narrated Jae.

"Why me? What is so special about me?" Sera asked.

"Jayce found someone who can understand him. Plus you can be even better. He used the power of the hexcores as his arsenal while you use them as assistance to try and make Piltover and Zaun unite. Jayce has been protecting you ever since."


They went inside as Heimerdinger and Celestine also did. 

"So our route needs to be in 3 cities correct?" asked Jayce to Heimerdinger. "Yes. We need to restock for fresh supplies in Bel'Zhun. We will be arriving there in an hour."

"Very well. I'll make inquiries in the market while we are at it.|" Jae said. As a Medarda, he knows more from the market than anyone. "We'll head to meet some friends." Twisted Fate said. "We'll be trav'llin' on land as Clan Ferros's soldiers can't be sustained in an airship." said Graves.

Jayce nodded to the both of them and looked at Sera. "I'll come with Jae."


Bel'Zhun, in the hands of Noxus is now more bustling with trade. One can easily spot the Shuriman and Noxian by how much they differ from their builts. Noxians look more war-ready while Shuriman war-weary.

Jae and Sera went to a couple of shops to inquire for supplies or if someone spotted a lot of soldiers from Piltover. Jae also treated Sera with Bel'Zhun delicacies. Jae is treating Sera like a little sister and Sera very much enjoys having a big brother from him.

While they are walking one particular alley, Sera found herself looking straight at a man wearing a worn-out cloak. His arms is full of tattoos like wiggly worms but funnily enough, his skin appears purplish. Sera can feel his sorrow yet his determination.

The man then looked at Sera in amazement. "Soulspeaker." He then shook his head. "You are yet to grow." he said before he left.

Sera can feel the same ancient feeling that the brackern crystals are giving her from the man so she ran and chased after him (Sera wait!).

"Mister wait for me please!" shouted Sera. The man kept walking through the desert without looking back. She is desperate for answers. She only knows what the crystals are but not the creatures where it came from.

"Go now child. The Sun already set red on Kalamanda. You are the only person that can help avoid such calamity." said the man gently.


The man stopped and looked at her. Sera found herself looking at a man whose eyes are shining with a pale blue glow.

"I can give you the answer but you must answer my question, Soulspeaker. Can you handle leaving the peace that you have lived with so far?"

Sera then stopped.

She thought about the life she have in Zaun.

Her family.

Her friends.

Her goals.


She knows who she is and what she wants but...

Is singing just all that she can do?

People of Piltover and Zaun can be united, ONLY when she sings. They go back when she stops.

She can only open their ears and not their hearts.

But then she thought of how she felt when she can hear the voices of other beings and somehow was able to listen to their harmony.

She then remembered the song of the ancients and the story of the brackerns that was told to her by Schala.

The plead of the voice saying to help them and to let them go.

It took her a long time to decide but not much really passed.

The man just stood there looking at her struggle like he knew how hard it is to accept a responsibility this big. He then thought, can I pass my burdens to her? Then he shakes his head. It is still too early.

Sera then took a deep breath and said :

"I CAN."
