Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 5

Chapter 5 : Not just a Starry-Eyed Songstress

Little by little, the light gathered beneath Sera's feet. Then as she sings the brackern crystals began to glow and hum an almost ancient hymn that starts to resonate with the crystal inside the core of the Incognium Runeterra.

She slowly holds the smallest crystal from the dampener and magically, the crystal burst out of it, hovering in between Sera's hands.

Sera groaned as the sudden chaos surrounded her. It was suffocating. It is like all the world around her is distorted. With no harmony at all.

Wait! Harmony!

YES! Harmony! Because the best things in life won’t be perfect anyway. That is my parents always say. 

Nothing is perfect but everything can be harmonious!

She then closed her eyes and let the chaos takes her in. Then it was darkness.

Always on the outside, through a window looking in 

Never the right time, so the chance goes by again 

The lines begin to show, when we feel broken

to move on we have, to drop the pieces we’re holding

(And) No one is Perfect

You don’t need to be strong, every single day

No one really knows along the way

That the best things in life won’t be, Perfect anyway

With each and every word, the Incognium starts revolving slowly. Jinx on the other hand is laughing hard (SO THAT IS THE MISSING PIECE! I AM A GENIUS FISHBONES! WE FIGURED OUT ZINDELO's PUZZLE!) and started to go all over the place to pull the other levers.

Soon, to the amazement of the Pilties, the once dormant sphere, is now moving. This event is also being heard of in Zaun.

"According to my Pa, Zendelo ain't just an inventor, he was also a mystic. He once predicted that a woman who can hear the voices of the ancients will stir changes that will start here in Piltover. Guess he is right." said Twisted Fate while looking at the Incognium.

"So that li'l girl can use the Incognium? Tsk. She ain't living long then. Such a great red flag being one to use the device that locates anyone." Graves said. 

"Nah, I guess she just got lucky. Heh."


"Oh my oh my oh my! Someone has done it! Someone opened the Incognium! QUICK, ZIGGS! We need to go now!"


"Master! The Incognium-","There there Vileena. The news ain't affecting anything we are planning to do. In fact, I should say it is a helpful distraction." Viktor said while sitting in front of a window that can see the splendor of the Incognium.

He then looks at the towering buildings from the Bluewind Court and sipped his tea slowly. "Right, Jayce old friend?"


Chase the wind again, knowing just what they’ll say

Don’t care anymore, can’t stay still anyway 

The lines begin to show, when we feel broken

to move on we have, to drop the pieces we’re holding

(And) No one is Perfect

You don’t need to be strong, every single day

No one really knows along the way

That the best things in life won’t be, Perfect anyway

The darkness starts to fade and little by little, Sera can see tiny lights surrounding her, each with a different and unique voice.

There is one who's voice yearns for a lover located in a far off place where the likes of him is not welcome.

There is also a young maiden who yearns for freedom but is tied with the very sin she committed.

There is a strange "being" that seems to be looking at her yet not. It looks mildly surprise.

"Sera! LOOK FOR SCISSOR-LEGS! I AM READY TO SHOOT ANYTIME!" yelled Jinx as she stands ready to shoot a rocket any moment atop the Incognium.

Sera, of course heard her. She then focused all her mind to see where Camille is.


"Madame, the Incognium seems to be activated. Shall we attend Professor Heimerdinger's invitation to go and inspect it?" asked one of Camille's guards.

"No. We will rest for the evening and start travelling to the Bel'zhun where we will ride an airship towards the Crystal Scar." said the Gray Lady while sipping a cup of rare Shuriman tea.


Every voice that she is hearing is a unique voice in all Runeterra. She focused on what seems to be Piltover and heard a weak cry.

It was so sudden that she almost stopped hearing all the voices.

It is a woman crying. Sera can feel that her heart has been filled with nothing but regrets and sadness. 



Sera doesn't know who they are but she knows who the woman was. Camille Ferros. 

With the gates to knowing who the Gray Lady was, she attempted to hear more of what her voice is saying when the strange "being" from before arrived before her.

"Well, well, well. A little lady seems to have inherit a piece of a soulspeakers power. Interesting." said the being.

"Who are you? What are you?" asked Sera.

"I am the one who shall end Runeterra. That is all that you can know. For now, your ability to soulspeak is still too weak so I'll give you one piece of advise. The soul can speak but there are very few that can hear. Farewell, soulspeaker." the strange being said before Sera collapsed on the floor of the Incognium.

As she fell down, the whole Incognium stopped working. This left all those marching towards the place dumbfounded. Was it just a dud?

As time passes, people started leaving except for a few.

Prof. Heimerdinger and Ziggs, Graves and Twisted Fate, Professors Olteg, Unhoof and Skiths, and Vileena.

"Yordles." said Graves. Twisted Fate immediately looked at Heimerdinger and Ziggs and noticed that they are indeed Yordles.

"Saves us time. Jayce would like a few words with you if you don't mind Professor." asked Twisted Fate.

"Yes, I also wanted to speak with the lad. Ziggs, you know what to do." said Heimerdinger. "Oh, and also you three!" he added pointing to the three other professors which excitedly ran to him.

Before leaving she looked at one of the far away windows. He knows who's there. But since he did not do anything, no exchanges are to be made yet.
