Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 11

 Chapter 11 : The Repercussion of the Shockblast

Just like what Twisted Fate said, they found all three in a Pub at Nashramae. They are wounded but not critical. Celestine, whom does not usually like to drink, is seen chugging a huge cup of wheat mead.

They greeted the newcomers with smiles in their bruised faces like but Sera went and slapped Jayce on the cheeks (YAOUCH! That's gotta sting, nice one Concert Girl!). Everyone except Jinx was speechless of what happened.

"You could've escaped all the same. But why must you kill even those that are fleeing to Nashramae? THOSE THAT ARE INNOCENT?" Sera cried.

The three then grimaced as they remembered how much of the destruction claimed not only their ambushers life, but also those that are not involved.


On their way to the pub, they saw a pair of women crying along with 2 innocent children who kept on looking at the gates. Aside from the 2, nestled in one of the woman's arms is an infant. Crying as she senses her mother's grief.

Sera then slowly approached them and softly hummed a song that she always hear from her father. It is a song of hope that one day, when they have enough, they will go up to Piltover for their only child, Sera. 

The children looked at Sera and smiled sweetly as they remembered how their father worked so hard to but them some spinning tops while the both women's eyes were no longer saddened with grief, but now are more hopeful and is filled with determination to nurture their children with more love.

While this is all happening, Twisted Fate and Graves then approached the women and handed the bag of coins that they got for selling the good parts of the carcass of the dead sauren lizards. Graves was even red-faced as was moved with Sera burying the bodies and helping the families of the innocents who died. Twisted Fate simply laughed and nudged Graves at his elbows, which of course made Graves even redder.

By the way, Jinx made some small moving toys for the kids. They look a lot like Jinx and Ziggs. 

Somehow, throughout this journey, Jinx has become more calm and collected. 

After pacifying the widowed women, Sera then stormed to the pub.


"Sera, we only did what he can do best to survive." Jae explained. What shocked him is that Sera looked at her menacingly instead.

"The same as what the treasure hunter did. He only did what he can do best to survive."

"The treasure hunter is a father to a little boy who got sick because of the previous sand storm. He spent hours and days, hoping to find a treasure he can sell to pay the Nashramaean healers. One day he did, but a noble from another land took the treasure for himself and promised the treasure hunter payment in gold. He accepted the offer as only a piece of gold coin is needed for his son's treatment." Sera told them all. Jae's face became ashen as he remembered how the man yelled at him with excitement that he will wait for him tomorrow at the gates of Nashramae. He even gave Jae his water ration hoping that the man who will eventually forget about him can come home safe.

"The man waited days, weeks and months, but no noble came. Little by little, his son's condition worsened. He knelt and prayed to Azir and even crawled the stairs towards the healers, begging them for his son's healing. He even offered his body for payment, saying he will serve the healers for as long as he breathes, just for this one favor. But..." 

"He was rejected. He again went out for a journey, almost died twice, lost an arm for a single ancient brass circlet, which a kind treasure hunter bought for 10 gold coins eventhough it is basically worthless. The treasure hunter then excitedly rushed to his Oasis Village, only to find out that the whole village is mourning."

"He was puzzled, as he knew no one died when he left, and then slowly, like water flowing through the valleys, he realized who might be the one who Kindred had hunted."

Sera then closed her eyes and slowly started walking towards the door of the pub.

Only Sera's footsteps are heard as the other guests are also silent. Some are lamenting the fact that such thing had happened in the past, others, whom are also mothers and fathers of their own families, mourn for the lost of such a parent who will gamble even his very own body for the sake of his child.

"It was his son. His beloved son whom gives his life purpose, who is his gentle breeze from the harsh desert winds. He then vowed that from that day forth, he will await for the noble at the gates of Nashramae."

After saying the last part, Sera then walked out of the pub.

"Heartless. Truly heartless." 

"I swear in the name of our patron, Rammus. I will tear such man limb by limb!"

"Hah, poor man. Nobles shouldn't be trusted."

"I agree."

The pub then erupted with discussion while Twisted Fate, knowing more about what can come next, told the others that they needed to go. 

As they left, Celestine then looked at one corner of the pub. There sat a veiled lady, elegantly eating a slice of sauren lizard's meat. She nodded at Celestine, whereas Celestine nodded back. Then they ignored each other like nothing happened.


It was nighttime when Celestine approached Sera in the Inn that they are staying at.

"Sera, I-" "No need to say anything Celest." Sera interrupted her as she knew what Celestine is about to say.

Celestine sighed. She then hugged Sera as she saw tears falling on her cheeks. It is, after all, too much for a 17 year old to handle. All the chaos, fights and death. It was also her first time going outside of Piltover.

"I will take care of their families. I already ordered people from my clan to shelter those that lost their loved ones from Jayce's shockblast and will make sure that they are well provided for." she softly said to Sera.

"Un." this is all Sera can muster to say.

All the while, on another rooftop, sat Jinx. Twisted Fate then magically appeared next to her.

"Hey, are you okay, Zaunite? You look like you need someone to talk to. You don't look like the famous Loose Cannon anymore." he remarked. 

Jinx didn't look at Twisted Fate but is instead staring still at the now alone Sera. Twisted Fate then smirked. He thought of only one possibility and just left Jinx. He also needs to rest. Tomorrow and the day after is going to be more fun.
