Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 1

Chapter 1 : The Girl with the pink hair

"Free us..."
"Let us go..."

"Who are you? And, why can i hear your voice?"

"Let us... Go..."

It was always like this when i started my quest to unite the Pilties and Zaunites. I never dreamt the dreams I had, It has always been either someone else's, or something else's. 

"Who are you? What are you?" Sera said while staring quizzically at the hextech platform that was made by her parents. 

"Please, tell me the next time we dream ok? I can't help, or free you if I do not know who or what you are. Ok?" she pleaded the platform.

The platform can amplify her ability to hear or resonate with other people's voices. She knows that there is something or someone out there who resonates so loud that even she can hear it without being anywhere near it.

She continued to plead the platform until she can no longer keep herself awake. She then proceeded back to bed and slept, this time, dreamless.

As the night passes, the platform's pink brackern crystals faintly lit up, like it is calling, calling for someone's help. Then the light went out.


Sera lives in Piltover but works in between with Zaun, the Entresol. Her parents used to own a hexcoustic store near the clanging lift. Along with Schala's professors from the academy, they now manage a small laboratory near her home which was merged with their store.

Not only was this able to help her parents, this also ensures that her goals is more achievable with professional help.


This morning is not a day when she performs in the Entresol. This is her day to rest and enjoy being a young lady. 

Unreal as it may sound, only the fans recognizes her but not everyone. Eventhough each performance is packed full of people. She knows that it is mostly because of how her ability works but she does hope that she can resonate to all of them and leave a mark that will last everyday than just after every performance.

She combs her long pink her, wears a comfy loose oversized shirt matched with pants that makes the young Pilties mad, her included.

Sera is an ordinary young lady during her off-days after all.

"Good morning, Professor Unhoof! Professor Skiths! Professor Olteg!" Sera greeted cheerily.

If there is one thing that Sera does everyday, it is to try to make as many people smile as possible. She believes that with her own little ways, the world will be better one small baby steps at a time.

It may be on stage before a huge crowd of her fans or in the streets where her long pink hair is easily noticed. Sera's life improved when she started singing in front of crowds. She feels that everyday, she is closer and closer to what she knows is unity.

"Sera, we will be taking the platform for upgrade tonight. The last Concerto did what we intended but the effect didn't last long. We have to upgrade the Crystals, possibly enlarge the core or add more of it. Your Father approved of it already" Professor Olteg said. 

Professor Olteg us a stout man with more hair by the side than at the top. Sera knows that out of the 3 professors, he is the least ambitious. Only hoping to get recognition from Professor Cecil B. Heimerdinger from one of his works.

"Can i be here when you do it? I mean, I just want to not part with it for too long." asked Sera. She can't let anything bad happen to her parent's gift. Especially the brackern crystals. She can't live without it. It feels like a part of her. 

"Schala told me about your worries. The Crystals will be by your hands but the platform really needs an upgrade." Said Prof. Unhoff. A tall scrawny man that is the most complicated. He is calculating, always. But Sera knows that like this man's love for Shuriman wine, he is kind and trustworthy.

Sera sighed in relief. Moments later, the crystal was given to her in a luggage. "We need you to take care of these. Brackern crystals are no longer easy commodities. Professor Heimerdingger is fighting for brackern rights so hunters are now turning into the black market for such." explained Professor Skiths. 

Yes. Professor Skiths is a Bilgewater born Vastayan with a lot of knowledge about how the black market works. He has a pair of big ears and bucktooth. But no, he does not love cheese.

"I will." said Sera. She felt more comfortable as she hold the luggage. Feeling complete and content, she walks out the laboratories doors.

"The day may be rough, but I know that this will go well." 

With her pink hair tailing her, Sera thinks like she always thinks, “It’s not that simple in Zaun.”
