Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 4

 Chapter 4 : Harmony

Sera spent her day without a single issue. She went to a clothing shop with her mom, ate lunch with her family and bonded with Schala over some Shuriman barbecue. Life during her off is normal.

She returned to her room exhausted but restless. Progress day is 2 days from now. She just hope to see the Platform at least a day before.

"Help us. Please."

The voice from within the pink brackern crystals sounded again. Seraphine immediately opened the case and anxiously holds the biggest piece.

"Where are you?" she hurriedly asked. 

To her disappointment, the shimmer in the crystal went out and she was left without an answer again. She slowly puts the crystal down before she heard of what she thinks could be the worst voice she has ever heard.

It is chaotic. So chaotic that Seraphine lost her balance and knocked of the crystals. Luckily, she was able to get a small piece and she immediately attached it to her dampener. It now serves as a pendant for reminding her of her goal.

It took a couple of minutes for the dampener to work. When she came round, she was surprised to see whom she knows really embodies chaos.

"Now I know why my head hurt so hard." groaned Seraphine. She knew Jinx, not only from the stories but also from her father. She is the most notorious criminal in Piltover. But hearing her voice, her soul voice, she saw something nobody would have thought was real. Jinx was an unfortunate child whom only because of her sister, was able to live until now.

"Hey Concert-Girl! You know I would've called you Pink-Hair if it wasn't for Pink-Hair already existing!" Said Jinx while chomping a piece of Shuriman barbecue. 

"Why are you here?" Seraphine asked while trying to see more of Jinx. She is thin and her blue hair was tied but still very long. Her eyes seems to be always out of focus as she may be thinking a lot of things at the same time.

"Well, Twitch asked for help after he saved me from being man slaughtered by those pesky Ballistic Bots to get a brackern core-whatever from Scissor-legs. I was hoping he will give me something to use to track Scissor-legs, BUT they said to get you first as you can "sense" the bray-corn corn-whatever like its me sensing where is the biggest rocket at." Jinx swiftly said.

Seraphine took a long time absorbing what she said (You know, your room smells like my grandma's closet, smells like flowers. Oh, you own a poster of Jayce? I once owned a life size Jayce but it turned out that it was him haha!). "Who is Scissor-legs? What Brackern Core Crystal? What is going on? And, who is Twitch?" 

Jinx planted her palm to her face. "Scissor-legs is Camille Ferros, Brackern Core Crystal from Jayce and Skiths looks like Twitch. Got it?" She swiftly explained. "Now pack some food and some change of clothes as we are going for an ADVENTURE!"

Seraphine snapped out of her stupor and quickly did what Jinx told her. Then to her amazement, Jinx just jumped of her window and onto the roofs of the houses just below Entresol level, where she lives. "We need to go to a place where I know your mojo can locate the bracorn corn-whatevs! C'mon Concert-Girl!"


Seraphine, not as athletic or agile as Jinx tried her best to catch up, on the roofs (Do you know that there is a hole in the roof of Clan Torek's?), in the narrow Zaun streets (Do you think Puffcap Beer is available elsewhere than here?), and almost missing the lift (Ride the lift Concert-Girl, I'll take my own route!). 

Jinx brought Sera to the Incognium Runeterra, which Sera was actually puzzled. "I know you have a lot of questions Concert-Girl, but you better hold your butt!" shouted Jinx before she pushed Sera down to an air vent. With a clash, Sera landed in Jinx's hideout.

Sera looked around and found that there are a lot of stuffs in there but there seems to be an inexplicable sense of harmony. She can't figure out why the Ballistic Bot arm looks cozy to be an arm rest to a sophisticated chair (Oh, that one's from the Mainspring Crescent. THE VIP CHAIR!), why does a statue of Count Mei looks majestic being surrounded by broken Poro Bots (That is my Menagerie!).

Seraphine then thought of how Piltover and Zaun complements each other even if they are contrasting one other. How the Sun and the Moon rises when the other one sets. How the wind favor those who worships her but is cruel to those who desecrates her pureness. 

She slowly starts to hum. Then taps her feet. Then she started dancing.

The Brackern Crystals lit up and started floating in the air. 

Jinx on the other hand looks skeptical with all that is going on. She is a genius in her own way but music like Sera's is not within her books. She then thought of  a lever that she always wanted to use near a shining crystal in the middle of the core of the Incognium Runeterra. 

She then pulled it down and the suddenly, the whole Incognium Runeterra lit up.
