Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 8

 Chapter 8 : Get Jinxed!

In the bustling market in Bel'Zhun, Jae Medarda is running frantically looking for Sera. Having alerted everyone else, they scour the whole marketplace but can't seem to find her.

"Jae, any clues?" asked Twisted Fate when he showed up in a flurry of cards. "No. She's not near the docks either. Celestine, you?" asked Jae to the newly arrived Celestine, riding what seems to be a hovering horse with no legs. "None. The Cloudrider also does have no clue."

Everyone is now worried. Jayce said that Sera is important for this mission. "Jayce!" shouted Jae seeing that Jayce is coming over. He is reading a piece of animal skin. "Where's Sera?"

"We will meet her at Nashramae. It seems that someone will take her there." Jayce silently said. "We'll talk more in the Cloudrider. Let's embark."


"So your name is Ryze?" asked Sera while eating a kebab. "Yes. It is Ryze. I am what they call a Rune Mage." explained Ryze.

"What's a Rune Mage? I've heard of other mages but never a Rune Mage." inquired Sera.

"That is a tale for another time. Now tell me, what do you wish to know?"


Ryze then waved on the camp fire that they have and magically, the smoke seems to turn into shapes.


"Centuries ago, in an island west of Kalamanda, is an island called Aurma. There live humans born with souls so powerful that they can resonate with others. They are called the Soul Speakers.

They are peaceful and kind, which is why the Brackerns offered them protection, being the only humans who can hear them.

The Soul Speakers then offered the Brackerns their harvest. They leave in a harmonious life for a very long time because they both share their glory and woes. Until one day, a ship docked on Aurma. They befriended the Soul Speakers and Brackerns and thus they were able to establish trade. Soon, they both began to migrate some of their kin in the mainland to help assist the trade.

As they lived longer in what they call Kalamanda, more people across different cities and oasis became drawn to them. Some Soul Speakers then began to migrate to other places to teach their abilities and some stayed in Kalamanda. 

As you may have known, years past, someone knew of the power that the Brackerns hold. Not only were they powerful enough to protect Kalamanda, but each one of them are blessed with ancient knowledge. They were even worshipped as Gods.

But one day, an expedition came to be. A clan from Piltover came and slain the first Brackern. Then there was war. The followers protected the Brackerns while the Brackerns grew weary of the human heart. The Soul Speakers then convinced the Brackerns to leave.

Many thought that the Brackerns came back to Aurma, but it wasn't the case. The same family who slew the first Brackerns found their home in Kalamanda, where they stayed dormant beneath several miles of rocks.

They were found using technology born from the very same energy with which Brackerns live with.

The Followers and the Soul Speakers fought hard but in the end, they were defeated by the metals and technology that the clan from Piltover brought."


"You, Sera, are a descendant of the Soul Speakers. You are also fortunate that you were able to resonate with a piece of Brackern Soul. Not only did it awaken your gift, but you were able to survive the pain of its growth in a filthy place like Zaun." proudly said Ryze.

Sera then lovingly looked in the crystal necklace and remembered that her parents were fortunate to have a piece of Brackern Crystal.

"Wait. How did you know I lived in Zaun?" asked Sera abruptly which Ryze was shocked with. He was about to say something when the sound of a nearby explosion was heard.

"Get ready Sera, we will leave immediately." warned Ryze.

"No wait! It's the sound of Jinx's voice! It's Jinx! We must wait for her!" Sera pleaded. And yes it is Jinx, fighting of what seems to be an army from Piltover bearing a Clan crest.

"Hahaha how do you all like them bullets!!!!!" Jinx maniacally shouted. It looks incredulous but it was just Jinx against 20 of them.

Sera then ran to Jinx (Sera! We need to go!). "Jinx!!!!"

"Sera!!!! Hey!!! Give me a minute!!! SUPER MEGA DEATH ROCKET!!!!"

There was a huge explosion that proceeded and then there was eerie silence.

"Well, good thing I brought one with me. Hey Sera! I finally caught up to you!" casually Jinx said. It looks to her that what happened was just a piece of her normal day.

Sera, while choking with her tears, ran to Jinx and hugged her tight. "Hey, you are getting a bit touchy-feely on me. Can you move away? I like my personal space." 

Sera then let go but was hugged by Jinx instead. "Fool Ya!"

They laughed after while not bothering of the destruction that was going on.

"Oh by the way, I was able to spot Scissor-Legs and got this nice piece of glowing blue orb." she then showed Sera the orb that she got.

The moment Sera saw it, she immediately heard her crystal necklace cry. It was like it found the family it lost.

"That is a Brackern Life Core." said Ryze, who mysteriously appeared from an alley (WHOA! A PURPLE GUY! I AM NOT RACIST BUT I'LL SHOOT YOU IF I NEED TO!)

"A Brackern Life Core? Is this like, a living Brackern Soul?" asked Sera as she holds the orb.

"Yes. Once that Life Core resonated with a young Brackern, that being will inherit all the knowledge that it has. And this one is teeming with life that I think, this is a very old Life core." explained Ryze.

"Yes indeed. Thank you Rune Mage." said by someone standing on a roof near them.

"Scissor-Legs." angrily Jinx said. Then before she can say anything else, Camille then use her hookshot to sweep Jinx away so fast that Ryze was only able to cast her shield when they were thrown away by Camille's leg's hextech energy burst.

"You have something that belonged to me, Seraphine." menacingly, Camille said.
