Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 6

 Chapter 6 : Jayce Giopara, Jae Medarda and Celestine Torek

Way back in the days, the Clan Ferros own an Hex Crystal Quarry known throughout the Shurima Continent as the Crystal Scar.

Located near the coast of Kalamanda. It was a site of ruins nowadays. Only dauntless treasure hunters and brave scavengers roam the Crystal Scar as tales of a violent Brackern attacking anyone who tries to take anything especially crystals of all sorts is well-spread.


"I can prepare an airship definitely but who will keep the Clan Ferros at bay?" asked Heimerdinger as he fiddles on a small box that has 2 buttons at the top and button.

"You can count on the Clan Torek, Giopara and Medarda. We already deployed spies to watch their every move." Jayce said while he, Jae Medarda and Celestine Torek looks over a map of what looks to be the Northern Shurima Continent.

"The route to Kalamanda takes 10 days with the fastest airship that the Clan Torek owns. Are you sure that we can get there before Clan Ferros arrives?" asked Celestine. She is the lady referred to by all young men as the Princess of the Wild. She is more daring than any other men when it comes to riding a hoverboard or even parkour. She is also known to explore outside Piltover since her young age. Clan Torek worships the Wind Spirit Jan'ahrem, thus they own most of the Air Ships in Piltover. 

"Of course! You can ask Jae!" answered Heimerdinger with which Jae sweated profusely. "Aye!" he said weakly with which Jayce and Celestine chuckled.


"So you are saying that you once took Lulu, Tristana, Corki, and Teemo in a cage but a Gigantified rock destroyed your plans?" asked Ziggs while Twisted Fate is chuckling while shuffling his cards in a corner. Graves on the other hand is massaging his temples while muttering "T'is is not yer day Malcolm.".


"Do you think we should not have asked for Jinx's help on this? Looks like 3 of the Clans knows what is going on in the first place." asked Unhoof, seeing that the 3 most known clan protégé are standing around one table.

"I... We... We were impulsive aren't we?" added Olteg.

Skiths on the other hand, being a vastayan and has the most keen sense of smell in the room, is looking through the window and down the streets of the Bluewind Court. "So you've noticed?" asked Jayce as he walks beside Skiths.

"Yes. Smells of burnt flesh and metal. But why are they here Professor? Shouldn't they be in Zaun?" inquired Skiths. Jayce scoffed then went back to the table. "They're from the Church of the Glorious Evolved. Though they will not play any role here nor with what we are planning, I still need to keep an eye on them." he said while massaging his temples with one hand. "Now, Professor Skiths, where is Jinx?"


It was a surreal feeling for Seraphine. She still hears everything but despite the different voices, she can hear them in perfect harmony. She wants to embrace the feeling more but-

"WAKE UP CONCERT-GIRL! WE ARE GOING TO THE ZOO!" shouted Jinx after throwing a live Poro wearing an aviator helmet to Seraphine.

"Huh? Oh no! Camille! Jinx! (I need to get more of this fun tacking rockets and 2 more Flame Chompers!) How long was I asleep??" hurriedly Sera asked.

"Well, you were asleep for 2 days. I already left your parents a note saying I took you and they should not worry though. Have you met Fwoosh? Isn't he lovely?" said jinx while trying to snuggle with the Poro that just came back to her arms.

"How about Progress day?-" "Cancelled. Bummer. The fireworks that I bought from Ziggs weren't even used. Anyways, we should go!" Jinx said while climbing up the air vent.

Seraphine then silently stands up and dusted her clothes. She was about to get back up the air vent when she heard Jinx scream. She then hurriedly climbed up and saw a crowd of people looking at her. 

"Miss Seraphine. I see that you are getting more athletic. Jae Medarda, a fan." Jae said while extending a hand which Sera took to finally get out of the vent. She only knew a couple from the crowd. 

"Now that everyone's here, we will be proceeding to your airship then. Right Cecil?" Jayce then said while addressing Professor Heimerdinger.

"Right, this way to the MK15 Cloudrider!" Heimerdinger exclaimed!

"Why are we heading to an airship? And who are you people?" asked Seraphine. She only recognizes Professor Heimerdinger, the recently self-introduced Jae and Jinx.

"Aside from Jae, I am Celestine Torek. (Oh, your the Little Explorer version 2! Did you know that you have a hole in your roof? Oh wait! AHA! Caught red-handed lady! You are the one who made the hole to sneak out! HAHAHA I AM GETTING GOOD AT THIS!) Ugh. Yes, Jinx." Celestine said exasperatedly.

"Ehem, the tall guy is Jayce. (Hi Jayce! Three-arms says hi!). You know Professor Heimerdinger of cource. The short guy is his shopkeeper Ziggs. (Hahaha she called you short!), and the two lovers there are Malcolm Graves and Twisted Fate, well-known crime duo from Bilgewater (I know you! You guys are the ones who ransacked the Clock --- Yes yes yes it is us you lunatic!)

"Why do we need an airship Celestine?"

"We need to catch up to Clan Ferros. We will explain along the way. Of course"
