Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 10

 Chapter 10 : The Battle in Nashramae

Alshams walramal ma narah,

Naeish hayatuna kama yahlu lana,

Alsahra' baytana

Nasij al'ard,

Nahn naeish hayatuna kama yahlu lana.

Sera woke up with the sound of people singing a song. She doesn't understand the words spoken but she can hear the people singing are celebrating freedom and their way of living.

She slowly sits up and found herself in a tent. It was already daytime.

"Where am I? What happened? Oh no, JINX?!" Sera shouted and ran out of the tent, only to see Jinx, bandaged with cloth and what seems to be leaves.

"Hey Sera! Hey guys! This is Concert-Girl. Concert-Girl, these are the Nomads!" Jinx casually said. She looks healthier and enjoying herself so Sera looked around. She was greeted by merry people smiling and nodding to her. They are dressed with short skirts and either cloaks or less shirts. A woman then walked to her smiling and conjured a flower from the sands.

"Greetings, Sera. I am Taliyah."



They were being surrounded by bloodthirsty warriors mounted on giant sauren lizards. Jayce, Jae and Celestine were the only people left as they had let Heimerdinger and Ziggs to go to Kalamanda first riding the MK-15 Cloudrider while Twisted Fate and Graves will backtrack to Bel'Zhun to see if Sera and Jinx were still there.

At first, they were able to stay peacefully just outside of Nashramae. However, Jayce wasn't able to get out of trouble when he slain a man trying to rape a Nashramaen woman. The woman was grateful and warned them to get away or enter the city as soon as possible as these warriors will come for revenge and pillaging outside of the borders of Nashramae. The city is safe due to their patron, Rammus but not outside.

They were almost into the city when a treasure hunter spotted Jae. The treasure hunter worked with Jae in a previous expedition but Jae forgot to pay him after. He was angry and almost was killed by Jayce when he attacked Jae. Unfortunately, the delay was enough. They found themselves surrounded and they are now fighting their way out of the encirclement.

"WHY THE HECK DID YOU FORGET TO PAY YOUR F*CKING GUIDE, JAE!!! SVAAG!!!!!!!" shouted Celestine. She is wielding a long pole with a mechanical drill at the end. with every swing and stab, she can easily drill through the hard scales of the giant lizards.


As they passed through the beam that was emitted from Jayce's Mercury Cannon, they all felt their body going lighted and more agile. Then Jayce turned around and shot an orb of hextech energy through the beam and absorb the beam itself to make it bigger and faster.



"We are almost near Nashramae." Taliyah told Sera. It's been a day since they travelled from the oasis village where they encountered Camille. She is now worried of how the others are fairing.

"Thank you and your family, Taliyah." she said.

"Are you sure you won't take up our offer to stay? You sing so good that even the Duneworms adores you. On a normal day, we usually use all our strength to fend them off." Taliyah said. 

A few miles back, they encounter a clew of Duneworms. As the Nomads battle them, Sera heard the crying of both the Nomad children as well as the Duneworms's larva. She heard the anguish of the biggest Duneworm, not being able to stay in one place, same as the Nomads.

She then sang the Stone Weaver's Hymn.

Alshams walramal ma narah,

Naeish hayatuna kama yahlu lana,

Alsahra' baytana

Nasij al'ard,

Nahn naeish hayatuna kama yahlu lana.

The Duneworms stopped first and then the Nomads. They then started to see each other's anguish. The women then started to cry while the men put their their weapons. Taliyah and the Stone Weavers then removed the stones that they weaved. The Duneworms then burrowed back in the sand while the Nomads steered their sand rafts in a different direction.

"I heard their anguish, and I found that same as yours. So I thought that if you knew how they feel, It'll be easier for you to travel around in the future."

"Thank you Sera. What in-" Taliyah was then interrupted with the sight of death in front of her. Carcasses of dead giant lizards and some humans. 

"Looks like some battle. Traces of hextech energy here, 3 people running there and wounds from a drill. Looks like its Jayce, Jae and Celestine." Jinx said. Surprisingly, Jinx was able to analyze the situation quickly and accurately.

"I guess this is where we part. Are you sure you are okay here?" Taliyah worryingly asked Sera. If it wasn't for the other nomads being afraid, she would definitely help Sera.

"Jinx and I can work this out. We might see each other again." Sera then waived goodbye to all the Nomads.

"Well, 'bout time ye showed up." Graves said while sharpening his knife. From the looks of the carcasses, they may have already looted the important parts.

"We will be going straight to Kalamanda now. Clan Ferros's army is already garrisoned there. Jayce and the others are safe and are probably nestled here in Nashramae. Let's go!" said Twisted Fate.

The three already walked when Jinx stopped and looked at Sera. She is just standing there, crying softly.

Slowly, Sera held the brackern crystal she has and started singing.

Oh ye who's lost in thy sea

Oh ye who's lost in thy life

Leaveth thy life and ascend to thy after

Oh ye be at peace with thy heart

Poor soldiers who lost their own wars

Poor wife who's left with thy lonesome

Leaveth thy life and ascend to thy after

Oh ye be at peace with thy heart

Slowly, the wind started to howl faster and faster around them and the sands started to bury the bodies.

Twisted Fate and Graves ran to the gates of Nashramae while Jinx stood still looking at Sera. Nobody knows what she is thinking right now but if someone can see her, they will be shocked. Jinx is staring at Sera calmly and mouthed words that no one can hear. Sera then opened her eyes, which is now shining like the stars with while Jinx ran to where Twisted Fate and Graves went to.

For life we live to fulfill

For death is our peace when we sleep

Leaveth thy life and ascend to thy after

Oh ye be at peace with thy heart

Then, with one last breeze, the desert winds finished their job of burying the dead.

"Be at peace." Sera said before running towards the gates of Nashramae.
