Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 3

 Chapter 3 : The Girl that loves CHAOS

The events in the Erestol laboratory was not left unmonitored. The box nor the core crystal was never lost. Not by someone as sophisticated as Jayce. The box is being tracked as he made it necessary for the crystal to stop leaking its raw energy, thus cannot be parted with the core crystal.

He has prepared for the time that he needs to let the crystal go, a long time ago.

"Looks like the fish took the bait. How lovely." said Jayce while looking over the monitor and sipping his favorite honeyfruit tea. The monitor is showing a glaring green dot in a map that looks like of Piltover and Zaun. It is also intricately showing the levels of Zaun.

Unlike Viktor, age is already catching up to Jayce, although, the gray hair creeping up his sides are adding a more charming look to him, his eyes are now shining more with wisdom that only comes from time.

"Well, I reck'n you won't want us to intervene t'her trav'llin'? Ayt?" said by a bulky man savoring a cigar while sitting on a struggling cleaning robot. If you are from Bilgewater, you'll definitely know him from all of the wanted posters he has. Malcolm Graves. A renowned mercenary, gambler, and thief—a wanted man in every city and empire he has visited.

"Yes of course. We need to know why was that crystal so important to the Clan Ferros. Where it is heading, what they're planning." answered Jayce, but not looking to Graves, but to another man leaning on a wall. The infamous cardshark and swindler who has gambled and charmed his way across much of the known world, earning the enmity and admiration of the rich and foolish alike, Tobias "Twisted Fate" Felix.

"If it is so important, then why not kept in their vaults and not in the Clockwork Vault? I mean, you took your precious time to stop us on our way to Kumungo for it." Twisted Fate sarcastically said. 

As it was implied, the two made a successful heist to the Clockwork Vault but was ultimately stopped by Jayce at the narrow roads in Kumungo, searching for an item. Which turned out to be the core crystal.

"Okay. Okay. Okay. I apologize. But you were extravagantly paid by the Clan Giopara right? So no more hard feelings." he leisurely said while throwing a piece of paper on the ground, with which the once stuck cleaning bot under Graves strongly sucked making Graves fall flat on the ground (Y'ouch!) once it escaped.

"If I am not wrong, many have heard of Clan Ferros's idea of hunting brackern crystals again and if my conjecture is correct, she is planning to use the core crystal to lure the only known brackern walking the land." Jayce ultimately said. 

Graves and Twisted Fate looked at each other like they already know what Jayce might be saying next. Jayce on the other hand looks in a holographic projection of the concert that happened at the Entresol.

"I just hope she finds it before they are able to do anything." Jayce said solemnly while looking at the image of a young lady singing on a floating platform atop the stage.

"Hah! I guess we talk to the Yordle, no?" Twisted Fate laughingly jested while Graves grimaced.

"Yes, talk to Cecil. While I keep the other cards in check. This is the most I can do. (Ya heard him Tobias, he's the one check'n the cards now! Haha!)"


Going to Jinx might've been the hardest thing to do in Piltover. All you just have to do is follow the biggest vandal in the town which gives you a general direction where Jinx is at.

The three professors then arrived at the Incognia Plaza. Not knowing what to do, Skiths walked to the Incognium Runeterra. 

"Once said to locate every being out there, but never worked for JINX!" said the vandal at the floor near a seeming hidden air vent.

"Ahh. very subtle." chuckled Skiths.

You see, being a Rat Vastayan has it's perks. He is so sensitive with sound and can hear metal clangings in the air vents and a high pitched voice of a lady singing one of Seraphine's song, though with an altered lyrics. 

The three went in and the voice just keeps getting louder, making them relieved to have found Jinx. Again, not an easy feat.

If only my rockets can strip off the moon!

The shine of my bullets can rip off a gun!

THUD THUD THUD THUD! I'll knock off your, uhm.. ROOM!

"Who dares enter!" Shouted Jinx the moment Skiths popped out of the vent. She holstered Fishbones and readied Pow Pow.

"No no Jinx please! We are here for help!" hurriedly Skiths said.

"Help? Hahahahaha! You hear that fishbones? Someone wants my help! You are CRAZY!"

Jinx went on laughing until she fell down the heaps of metal that she was standing on (SO this is where I put one of my Chompers!). "Anyways, you look familiar. Are you from Zaun?" asked Jinx to Skiths.

Skiths knew who he was being referred as but he ultimately swallowed it. They cannot afford making this lady go haywire.

"We are seeking your help to get something that was stolen from us." Olteg said. "By the Clan Ferros!" assed Unhoof.

Jinx who was uninterested (I should've have just hid in Ezreal's house. There is no way no one would find me! Hmm. Maybe except Ezreal. But who cares about that lousy "ladies man"), suddenly flinched and then hurriedly ran, jumped and landed before Skiths.

"Scissor-legs?!" she shouted. "Er, yes, Miss Camille Ferros." Olteg timidly said. No one in the right mind can say Camille has scissor legs.

"SO i get to mess with Scissor-legs? OH THIS IS GREAT! But what do i need to look for then Twitch?" Jinx asked to Skiths who is almost ready to blow up. Unhoof hurriedly taps his friends shoulder and said "This blue crystal.". He handed a handy hologram recording of the core crystal.

Jinx looked at it (What can I do? Should I play as a rock against Scissor-legs? Definitely she'll lose but that would take away the fun! Oh! I can blow up the Clan Ferros's hextech stores! That'll be a big one!). and immediately thought of a memory. But then just blinked hard.

"I've seen this before. In Jayce's Laboratory. So, when do i start?" asked Jinx while rummaging through the pile of rockets that she has. Probably looking for ones to use.

The three looked at each other and immediately they knew how can Jinx locate such brackern core crystals. There are only 2 individual known to hear the soul songs of the brackern crystals and she can be their only hope as well.

"You'll start once you've found the girl with the pink hair. Sera-"

"Oh, you mean Concert-Girl?"
