Welcome to my Blog, Stories of Runeterra

Hey ev'ryone! Eevered here!

Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled that you've taken time to visit.

Reminder : All characters that are used/featured in my blog are exclusively owned by Riot Games.

The stories that I write are called Lore Novels as they are generally fanfics that does not sway to far from the current lore available in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra. (They are basically fanfics but my ego says no.)

I do hope you enjoy reading and stick with me for more stories soon.


Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress Chapter 9

 Chapter 9 : I can hear you!

"From digging public records in the Library of Piltover, to asking the rats in Zaun. Seems like you like to play inspector, silly child?" Camille said while holding Sera by her chin.

"The fact that you are here means that I am really close." Sera replied. Camille was visibly shock by the lack of fear in Sera's starry eyes.

"I congratulate you then. It is just saddening that no one will here your pretty voice again." Camille then slowly took the orb from Sera's other hand.

"Very well. I will be taking what is mine -"

"You might have convinced the others, but I can hear it. Your heart!" said Sera after she quickly held Camille's arm while taking the blue orb.

"The hexcore in your chest that you insist is dead is calling out! Begging for you to listen!" Sera added. 

Contrary to what Sera is expecting, Camille went mad. She clenched Sera's arm that is holding hers and yanked her up to her feet and into the air.

"Ach!" subconsciously Sera reacted. Camille is strong and tall so Sera looked like a child in front of her. She was lifted high up making her whole arm hurt even more.

"The gall to lecture me in such a predicament is a testament of your naivete. Do not assume superiority here, girl." Camille plainly said.

"Piltover and Zaun's status quo is a must and shall not be disturbed. Cecil's ploy to oppose the market for the hexcores are making the Zaun's augmented restless. If that is not responded with making more hexcores, something bigger may happen. We need to find the last Brackern. And we need this Life Core for it."

She then threw Sera across the street. As Sera landed with a thud, she saw Jinx's Zap Cannon pistol which she started crawling to.

"Why would you, wipe a race for it?" Sera said throughout the pain that she is feeling. She is not built for battle, and everything that happened is making her frail body hurt more than ever in her life.

"Who says to wipe? We are planning to keep him at bay. They regenerate their crystal shells and only those crystal shells are needed for small hexcores." Camille chalantly said while checking if the orb is still intact.

Sera by now was able to get the Zap Cannon gun and then with all her remaining strength, stood up and then threw the gun hard to Camille, which of course missed, by a lot.

"Haha, you know that you can shoot the gun instead of throwing it?" she jokingly taunted Sera.

Sera then smirked. "I know, but she knows more. Now Hakim!"

Camille, with Sera's sudden mention of Hakim's name, was distracted to notice Jinx standing up and catching the pistol.

"Gotcha, Scissor-Legs!"


The zap hit Camille's hexcore square and immediately brought her to her knees. The Zap Cannon pistol was made as a nemesis for the augmented, of course by Jinx herself.

Sera then hurried to Jinx's side and helped her up. "You are bleeding!" Sera exclaimed. "Of course I bleed. Whaddaya think of me? A crazy robot?" Jinx proudly said.

Ryze then threw a ball of runic energy to Camille, which created a cylindrical cage around her. "I'll take of her. Nashramae is not to far from here. Go!"

"But you haven't told me all the things about the Soul Speakers!" Sera said to him. She treats him more like a long lost uncle now. Not only does he knew about her ancestors but he is also gentle and kind with the 2 days that she was with him.

"That will be a story for another day. We will meet again Sera. Now go!"


"It has been two days Jayce." said Jae. 

"The Rune Mage said that he will personally take her here. Let us believe in him." Jayce reaffirmed them all.

"Ayt then, Im'ma head ova to the Market of Illumination to gather news." said Graves, which Twisted Fate then followed.

"Celestine, can you head to the tavern near the Sun Disc Replica? Tell Garabor that we will extend our stay here." Jayce asked Celestine.

"Why is Sera so important for this mission Jayce?" She asked. She is now growing restless as the more they delay, the closer will the Clan Ferros tip the balance of the clans to their favor. 

"Sera is the only one who can speak with the Brackern crystals. I can only hear them. If we want to make sure that Skarner allies with us, we need Sera."


"They have already left Rune Mage. What else do you need with me!" Camille angrily said to Ryze. She is still imprisoned within his Rune Prison.

"Why must you do all this Camille? Your father said to stop all explorations before he died. I was there." he gently said to Camille. 

Camille then grimly shook her head. "If the Augmented is not supplied with hexcores to power themselves. The once left alive will start hunting one another. It will also extend to Piltover. I cannot let such ruin to happen."

"Sera can help you with that." Ryze plainly said.

"How? She is nothing compared to everything that is happening! She just sings and make people adore her. But after every performance, she is just a voice!" She shouted to Ryze.

"Sera will find a way for your worries. All you need to do is to assist her with all you can from here on. Trust me as your father trusted me to give the Brackern Life Core to Clan Giopara."

Camille then looked at Ryze shocked. All those years, She thought that her brother sold the Life Core.

"Your father wants me to give the Life Core back but I know that only a Soul Speaker can handle the task. I then gave the core to Clan Giopara which they have locked in the Clockwork Vaults but then gave Jayce a smaller and weaker crystal. Jayce's ability to commune with the Brackern was no longer developed. I then pinned my hope to the young Sera. Although it is too early, this journey will likely make her gifts mature enough." He explained. No one else can fathom why a man such as Ryze would wait centuries to fulfill such things.

"Why didn't you tell me all these?" Camille weakly said.

Ryze sighed in pain. 

"Because I thought you will choose love."
